Energy Codes InDepth FAQ
There are twenty two creation codes that are the alchemical building blocks of creation. Three mother codes, seven polarity codes and twelve simple codes.
While we all have to some degree all twenty two in our energy field. There are twelve energy codes that are dominant in our soul blueprint that shape our life. These twelve codes are embedded in our soul blueprint at the birth of our soul and become our spiritual roadmap.
12 Soul Codes
12 Soul Codes Once we uncover our twelve energy codes and their light aspects we uncover our spiritual roadmap. Think…
22 Creation Codes
22 Creation Codes Think of the twenty two creation codes as the alchemical building blocks of creation. The book of…
Activating Your Codes
Activating Your Codes Finding a quiet place where you can be uninterrupted for around 20 minutes. You may like to…
Energy 101
Energy 101 Welcome to the Energy Medicine Institute, EMI. I’m Lou Reed, founder and creator of the signature training Energy…
Energy & Frequency
Energy & Frequency Your twelve soul codes have your DNA coding of your blueprint. Each code has its own creation…
Hearing The Call
Hearing The Call If you have found your way here then you’re a Wayshower. You’re being invited to contribute and…
Our Soul Blueprint
Our Soul Blueprint Your soul blueprint is an operating system. It lives in the fifth dimension with your higher self…