Chronic Illness InDepth FAQ
In the shamanic practice chronic illness happens when you move out of the frequency of oneness creating an energetic imbalance – either something is there that shouldn’t be, or something should be there and isn’t.
There are 5 key imbalances that we work with 1. Power Loss, loss of life force energy 2. Soul Loss, a part of your souls essence leaves due to trauma 3. Entanglement, taking on energy that is not your own 4. Lineage Patterns, passed down through your DNA or 5. Disconnection from the Natural World, moving out of right relationship with Mother Earth.
Can We Heal Chronic Illness
One of my beloveds had really bad chronic fatigue when she first came to Energy by Design. She needed to…
Can We Strengthen Our Immune System
Until recently, the idea of people having energy meridians was broadly considered to be some sort of superstitious, Eastern woo…
Do You Have Trouble Sleeping
Do You Have Trouble Sleeping? Slowing down was really challenging for me. I would push myself to the absolute limit…
How I Transformed Chronic Fatigue
How I Transformed Chronic Fatigue. For me, I had an injury, and I suffered chronic pain 24/7 for twenty-two months…
What Is Adrenal Chronic Fatigue
What Is Adrenal Chronic Fatigue? For me, I found that while I had put my trauma in a box around…
What Is Trauma
What Is Trauma? I put my personal experiences of being kidnapped in a box and threw away the key. That…