Aura InDepth FAQs
Have you ever met someone who you instantly felt comfortable with? Whether you know it or not, what you’re picking up on is their aura. We are all surrounded by an unseen energy field that radiates our health, emotional state, and spiritual openness.
An aura is an energy field that surrounds all living things, including humans, animals, and even plants. It is a form of energy that radiates a few inches to a few feet in an oval shape around our body, and changes based on our thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
What Is Our Causal Body
Our seventh layer is our cathartic or causal body. Associated without divine or universal consciousness, and is related to our…
What Is Our Energy Body
What Is An Energy Body? Subtle bodies are the first part of the energy system that the energy from the…
What Is Our Eternal Body
What Is Our Eleventh & Twelfth Auric Layer? Our eleventh Auric layer is our eternal body or eternal soul, where…
What Is Our Etheric Body
What Is Our Fifth & Sixth Auric Layer?
Our fifth auric layer is our etheric template. Associated with aspects of our…
What Is Our Mental Body
What Is Our Third & Four Auric Layer?
The third Auric layer is your Mental Body. It is associated with…
What Is Our Physical Body
Our etheric aura is a blueprint or archetype for our physical body. Meridians and energy centers appear in this formation…
What Is Our Soul Body
What Is Our Ninth & Tenth Auric Layer?
Our ninth Auric layer is your soul body or soul level, associated with…
What Is Our Archetypal Aura
What Is Our Archetypal Aura? Your archetypical Aura contains the map of your destiny. It’s like a blueprint, things that…
What Is Our Emotional Aura
What Is Our Emotional Aura? Our emotional aura carries our feelings and emotional reactions and actions. It registers our soul’s…
What Is Our Mental Aura
What Is Our Mental Aura?
Through your mental Aura, you weave your relationship to your destiny, karma, and your inner life…
What Is Our Spiritual Aura
What Is Our Spiritual Aura? Your spiritual Aura reflects your transcendent nature into your psychological, social, and physical realities. It…
What Is Our Etheric Template
Our fifth auric layer is our etheric template. Associated with aspects of our physical body and related to our fifth…
What Are Energy Cords
What Are Energy Cords? Science definitely now, not only acknowledges subtle bodies, but they have taken it one step further…
Our Subtle Bodies Have 12 Auric Layers
Our Subtle Bodies Have 12 Auric Layers. Your Subtle Bodies have twelve Auric layers. They are divided into six different…