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A-Z of Energy
Energy is the compass that guides how we navigate life. It affects our thoughts, feelings, and actions, shaping our experiences and outcomes. Think of it like a scale with levels that cover not just physical, but our mental, emotional, and spiritual too.
Understanding these levels empowers us to make conscious shifts to more productive energies, moving us closer to manifesting our goals and dreams. Let’s take a journey through these FAQ One Minute Videos together.

Your aura is an invisible energy field that surrounds all living things. The frequency of your aura provides insight into your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.
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Your chakras are the second element of your energy anatomy. They receive the energy from your subtle bodies and move it to your meridians. They hold the vital programming that allows you to move through your soul lessons.
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Chronic Illness
In the shamanic practice chronic illness happens when you move out of the frequency of oneness. It is a love note from your I AM presence in your unconscious mind, calling you home to self.
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Consciousness is the awareness of self and the world around you. Your levels of consciousness are the way that you store and make sense of your experiences.
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Your DNA is your spiritual heritage, it holds the medicine of your motherline, fatherline and your galactic origins. It patiently lays dormant in the cells of your being waiting to be awoken.
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Energy Codes
We each have 12 unique energy codes that shape our life. Think of your unique energy codes as your roadmap, your north start that guides you on your path to extraordianry.
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Meridians are the third element of your energy anatomy. They receive the energy from your chakras and move the energy to your organs. They are your energy highways.
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Mind. Body. & Soul.
Mind. Body. Soul coherence is that pathway to deep soulful transformation. It is how we embody and express our authentic self . When we integrate our Mind. Body. & Soul we …
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Spiritual Awakening
Spiritual awakening is the process of moving through your energy code lessons, embodying and living through your soul gifts and talents.
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Transformation is the process of raising your frequency by clearing your energy anatomy from the outside in. Creating a clear channel for the Divine energy to flow freely through you.
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